Behind the research glass – an insight into our approach

Here at VDOO, it is our long-term mission to continuously assess and improve the security of the connected-devices that are rapidly surrounding us. The only real way to succeed in these missions is by utilizing a critical and methodical approach and technologies to inspect all the different layers of a modern embedded and connected device – its application layer, protocols, operating system, hardware, controllers, gateways and backend connectivity.

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Why good security foundations are better than the best security mitigation

Nati Davidi

Since founding VDOO, we have been working to analyze a great many IoT devices, in the broadest way possible. The more we look into these devices and find their vulnerabilities, the further we validate a basic hypothesis: security for the IoT must start with the most basic security building blocks.

Read the full article on Help Net Security

Why did we start VDOO? An introduction by VDOO’s founders

VDOO Founders

It may be just a few short months since we founded VDOO, but it has been over a decade since we started innovating in cyber security, back in the days when it was simply ‘information security’. We started with compliance automation and network-node security certification, through computer forensics and incident response, and in the last few years we have been dealing with endpoint security against targeted attacks and integration of gateway solutions. Our goal has always been to stay one step ahead of the attackers, and ahead of the market. Sometimes we managed, sometimes we didn’t.

Continue reading “Why did we start VDOO? An introduction by VDOO’s founders”