8 Best Practices for Developing Secure IoT Devices

Developing Secure IoT Devices

As the acronym implies, IoT devices are exposed to the local network and the web, making them susceptible to attacks by malicious actors. In the past few years, most high-profile attacks in the IoT space have been used to either achieve a political goal (such as with Stuxnet) or to achieve an illegal commercial goal (such as the Mirai botnet).

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Installing Dropbear with Enhanced Security Options

This guest article is a detailed guide to the Dropbear SSH service, intended for technical readers. It is meant to be one of the first in the VDOO Library, a collection of in-depth technical articles and guides which would provide practical advice to device makers, administrators and users.

Our guest writer, Donald A. Tevault, is a Linux security expert, instructor and consultant, and the author of the book “Mastering Linux Security and Hardening”.

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